Sunday, August 1, 2021

Universally Curly Universe

Observations by organisms
And mind’s best prosthetic devices
Agree—the cosmos is everywhere

Prone to make centered, circular waves.
Nothing comes from outside or sweeps
From side to side. Nothing makes curtains

That don’t rotate around some local
Disturbance, some spiral galaxy,
Some bursting star, black holes engulfing

Everything around them. The cosmos
Itself seems to be radiating
From some original explosion,

Centering all its beady centers
On a bubble of bubbles and spheres.
What goes around, comes around in here,

From Bang to bumps in quantum waves,
From atoms knit by their own forces
To furnaces fired by gravity.

Extraterrestrial life would not
Be nearly so extraordinary
As a line, one night, that never curved.

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