Sunday, August 15, 2021

Duckweed Hydra

Maybe the broadest view of life
Is that molecules get kinky
When they tangle just the right way.

Doesn’t matter which molecules,
Really. Any wavelength can play.
It’s always there, ready for chance

Opportunity to seize it,
Latent, by coincidence,
And then it blooms, and there it is,

Life, just happening in some place
That happened to be one of those
Places life gets carried away.

In that case, you might as well say
It’s all alive, or life’s in all
Of it, lurking, under the bridge

Of stars in every sky, under
The burning skin of every star.
Maybe there’s nowhere it isn’t

At least waiting to spring, more life.
Death and enlightenment couldn’t
Outrun it then. Life goes too far.

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