Thursday, August 26, 2021

More Queries from Quarantined Students on How to Keep Up with Class

Indefinite or infinite?
On this question hangs the subtle
Art of the cosmic estimate.

Late summer sunny afternoons,
An overwhelming languor drags
Itself home from work, after school.

The human world is staggering
From a sickness that’s evolving
As humans keep regathering.

Infinite or indefinite,
The creativity of life
That makes fresh living from fresh dying?

Every kid wants to write a book,
To make a mint, to rule the world,
To tell the truth, to draw a breath.

Indefinite or infinite
The thought of math’s inventiveness?
Every prediction lies a bit.

Collect all the notes of regret
From those too young to worry yet,
And wish them all the very best.

Leave us in our small wheels to turn.
Leave us in our small turns to leave,
Late summer afternoons that burn.

Infinite or indefinite,
The beauty of all that’s happened
Is that it’s all not happened yet.

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