Tuesday, August 17, 2021

You Could Pull Yourself Together, If You Kept Far Enough Apart

If you can just get enough stuff,
Get it close enough, it will
Start to clump into one lump.

This works better in deep space.
On Earth, a mountain loves ground.
It points up but erodes down.

It doesn’t gather unto
Itself in a loose jumble
Of separately tumbling stuff,

But it would, if you got it
Far enough away from Earth.
You’d see it had gravity

Of its own, might look a bit
Like Bennu or some other
Porous conglomeration

Of space rock hugging itself.
Gravity’s incredibly
Weak, but not so weak you can’t

See it at work on the scales
Of human comprehension,
Even eyesight. If you can

See a whole skyscraper, whole
Mountain, whole massif, you can
Picture a whole asteroid

With a surface on all sides,
Down to its own middle parts.
See how central gravity

Is to all centrality,
Pulling new worlds together
From everything torn apart.

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