Saturday, August 21, 2021


It’s been August, and every night
Not too cloudy or hazed by fires
There have been Perseids to see,
And Cassiopeia has been
High and beautiful on the bridge
Of milk and tales, while Titian
Paintings involving Perseus
And Danaë and the monstrous

Contests between humans and gods
For who can be more violent
Have been collected together
For once-in-a-lifetime display
The far side of this continent.
All waves comment on each other,
Ocean lights, seas of tear-water,
The stars clear or obscured at night.

Titian’s Perseus tumbles
Headlong toward the monster’s maw.
From this scene alone, who would guess
It’s the monster who’s tormented,
Confused, soon to be defeated
By trying to bite the shadow
Of the hero? So goes the tale.
Art knows the monster’s the shadow.

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