Thursday, August 19, 2021

Fuddled Wraith

Pibal sans theodolite,
Trial balloon with nothing
More impressive to follow,

Red dot floating through the clouds
And away, not to return
Here today or any today—

Robinson, fiction theist
Of some genius, once called it
Human self, that fuddled wraith.

We don’t know. Could be the self.
That is what it calls itself.
Certainly, it’s uncertain.

It floats up under other
Forces and oddly bobbles
Off in wind and gravity.

It has to land somewhere, but
It’s rare to see a landing,
Not even as a torn shred

On a branch or a power line,
And it always vanishes
From the scene in which it was

Released, an egg, globe, human
Head-shaped envelope of gas
Within gasses, dot of red.

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