Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Another Day in Another Year in a Remarkably Similar Universe

Surprise, surprise, periodicity
Is costly—the more accurate the clock,
The greater the entropy in its wake.

Accurate, accurate—define for us
Accurate. A clock is a flow meter
For entropy. Periodicity

Is the metric. Periodicity
More perfect is therefore more accurate,
And it seems you’re back to wheels within wheels,

Once again, stacked circles as the divine
Measure, stacked so that each one ticks the same,
The perfect circuit, the perfect return,

As if you cut a hole in the cosmos
And every moment that passed through that hole
As wave of change changed exactly the same.

An ideal clock would burn an infinite
Energy and produce an infinite
Entropy, and thus for yet another

Round you’ve found the ideal can’t possibly
Be. It’s modular, this philosophy,
Its end its beginning, to coin a phrase.

Atom undergoing excitations
And decays, more and more regularly,
More and more entropy, like any soul

Approaching pure divinity, any
Approximation singing in its chains
Of limitation, approaches the same.

Perfection would be the perfect sameness
Of two distinct things—moments, circles, waves—
But there can be no twoness that’s sameness,

No clock without periodicity
Imperfect enough to contain some change,
And nothing’s the same without that least change.

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