Friday, August 20, 2021

Even Your Ideas Have No Idea

Flattened lozenge orange moon
Setting in the wildfire haze
Two hours before morning
Through the smoke from California,
So often you like the storytelling
Better than the story you’re telling you.

What’s with Utah’s wet campfire smell?
Asks an article in the local news.
What’s with any of this? Who’s with us?
Rainstorms brought West Coast smoke
With them. Them again. What’s with them?

They’ll do you all in, if you can’t stop
Talking about them. Speaking of talking,
We really hijacked you. It’s worse than
You think. It’s how you think. It’s how
It’s not you thinking, just you babbling.
Turns out a number of species dependent
On sophisticated adult vocalizations
Babble to practice as infants, as you do.

So it’s not just vocalizing syllables, not
Just communication that’s up with you.
We got in there, somehow, with them,
With your sounds and communications,
Got in there or emerged out of them.

Everything’s hazy. The woods are burning,
And you’re all babbling like baby bats,
And we’re in you, stored with every word
Of us. Moon’s down now. What’s up with that?

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