Friday, August 27, 2021

With Nothing Able to Eat Them

Cane toads are eating each other,
May be evolving to do so
Perforce and competitively.

This is what comes of such success
In life on Earth—former nest mates,
Sometimes even colony mates,

Turn their wants upon each other,
And the intra-nest, intra-house,
Intra-clan, and intra-species

Competitions take center stage.
Any wild, runaway success
There in turn generates a new

Tourney of cannibalism,
Could be toads or royal houses.
Predation itself first evolved

Alongside parasitism,
Out of the abundant success
Of the autotrophic masses.

Would that inedia were real
And a human could live on air.
You’ll just have to eat each other.

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