Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Sleeping One

Moth-plumed, dark-speckled, like night
In these months of smoke hazes,
When night’s more like night’s creatures,

Grey, but warm, smelly, and soft.
Poor Will! The only bird known
To hibernate, to not fly

In search of better weather,
Better hunting, but to lie
Down among the rocks to hide,

Like a reptile, a mammal,
Content to sleep through winter
Until further provender.

Poor Will! So vulnerable,
So small it’s hard to believe
You’ve survived as a species,

Even to be called common,
Sleeping where you could be found,
Later nesting on the ground,

Hunting by jumping in air
Rather than circling around.
Poor Will! So monotonous,

The same two-note shrill from dusk
Until almost dawn, calling
To mates all hazy August,

Both sexes similar greys,
Your best defense of your nest
To roll and hiss like a snake.

Poor Will! Little paradox
Of dull, extraordinary
Life, life that drinks on the wing.

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