Monday, August 9, 2021

The Trouble with Early Arrival

The highest angels, the flies,
And our souls are all the same,
If you fly up high enough.

If you fly up high enough—
As far as the Voyagers
Will probably do the trick—

You can get past all the clues
Flies, souls, and angels exist.
The first radio broadcasts

Are pretty far out there now,
But they’re awfully weak waves
Rippling interstellar space.

Sometimes we wonder, what if
We’re far from the only, just
The earliest? Earth isn’t

Young, you know. Four billion years
Is a significant chunk
Of what’s gone on past the bang.

What if you’d have to be first
Or close to it, and the last
One surviving the setbacks,

To get as complicated
As all this, to start sending
Waves of signals and robots?

We could be the first ones here,
The first arrivals of thoughts
Per se, still lonely for years.

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