Sunday, August 8, 2021

People Could Be Doing Better Things with Honey

Well, what? You are essentially dissolving.
It’s a race to balance the loss with the gain,
And the winner stays longest, most gracefully,

Pretty much just the same. Isn’t that right, Queen?
Oh, honey, how many shapeless larvae swell
Into sturdy, self-sacrificing workers

Toiling in blooming fields for you, thanks to you?
You’re not doing anything, and even more
Hazardously, you’re feeding far too many

Species aside from those that invented you.
You wait in the cupboards and hidden in logs
For the apes and the bears to come and steal you.

Marvelous amber, food that began as sex
For flowering plants and ended in the guts
Of human hegemony, speak for yourself.

The woods are full of you. Greenswards and meadows
Drip with the potential to bottle you up.
Everything depends on you. Speak up. Speak up.

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