Saturday, March 5, 2022

We’re Bored Now What’s Next?

The proliferation of philosophers
Of proliferation is not a problem,
Just a curiosity of this golden

Age of prosthetic memory, when so much
More has been stored and organized and can be
Easily consulted by bodies at rest.

It’s amusing that this archival triumph,
Currently galloping like Napoleon
Toward a shimmering Russian horizon,

Is utterly incapable of saying
Whether it is in fact just the beginning,
Whether the next decades will be to this year

As much more capacious, or at least somewhat
More capacious, in comparison, as this
Time is to only a few decades ago,

Whether the great build-up will stagnate at last,
Or whether it will absolutely collapse.
The speculative beauty of the future

Is how it remains nothing, never changing,
Never here in the upheaval of the past,
No matter the archive, no matter how vast.

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