Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Odd Radio Circles and Tawny Crazy Ants

While billions of people and robots
People invented keep watch, new things,
New, at least, to people and robots,

Keep coming into focus. Tawny
Crazy ants have been swarming Texas.
The fire ants that preceded them

Can’t affect them with venom. New hope
Emerges from a novel fungus
That grows on the fat of crazy ants.

These names and their settings may be new,
But the species involved all evolved
Over their own eons, some likely

Older than the species of humans
Now finding them new. Odd Radio
Circles have been noted in data

Gathered by Australian telescopes.
Hypotheses have been posited.
New radio telescopes may help.

The scale encompassing fungal spores
In the abdomens of crazy ants
And radio emanation blooms

Light years across and light years away
Isn’t even half the total scale
Humans and robots work to survey,

While down among the jumble of names,
New-old for old-new things, we wonder
About the odd and crazy finders.

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