Friday, March 18, 2022

You Can’t Have It Both Ways It Has You

The beauty of true monstrosity is beauty.
That serpentine duality coils around you.
You want to feel monstrosity sacred, evil,

Powerful, a word you can still use to accuse,
But you also want to rescue it for yourself,
To be the monster, truly, proud and unafraid.

Monstrosity should be ugly, but your monster
Is a beauty, and you want to be that beauty.
It’s a human situation, purely human.

A whole monster of society lives in you,
A monster of mores and mind, and you fear it
And want to be free of it, to be wild again,

No longer caught in its evaluative scales,
No longer domesticated, but loosed, freed, wild,
You yourself the monster made beautiful, made you.

It’s an ugly thought and you know it. You can’t be
Free of the monster except by monstrosity.
You stroke the scales instead that coil inside your head.

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