Thursday, March 24, 2022

Starving for Catnip

A settled past seems to be
The only way to avoid
Being tempted to choose sides,

Risking getting addicted
To a rooting interest.
Even then, it’s difficult

Not to select shirts or skins
In nomads vs. farmers
Or Trojans vs. the Greeks,

Or women vs. the men,
Or whichever king or queen,
God or religion vs.

Whichever rebel peasant
Or illiterate prophet
Provoked them opposing them.

You know it’s ridiculous.
You know you’re the predator
Who can’t resist the motion

Of the shape that makes you squint
Your eyes, lick your lips, and shift
Your hips. Who’s side are you on

In this long-ago conflict,
In this fictional story,
As all stories are, in this?

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