Saturday, March 19, 2022

Thanks to All Heroic, Sleeping Monsters

By what would you define
A moral monster but
By actions, behaviors

With horrendous impacts
On others, others who
Neither harmed the monster

Nor intentionally
Provoked those behaviors?
Any monstrosity

Of moral character
Can only be a set
Of behaviors agreed

To be monstrous actions.
Internal character
Only matters after.

What if there are many
Sociopaths among
You, maybe including

You, who lack a moral
Sense, but do nothing wrong
Enough to be monstrous?

And as for ripe monsters
Of behavior, other
Than the low-hanging fruit,

The serial killers
And relentless rapists,
How often the monstrous

Actions are the punishments
Meted by the righteous,
Passionately moral,

Who can point out monsters
Easily, happily.
Somewhere there are heroes

Who neither misbehave
Nor glory in morals,
Who do nothing much wrong

Despite lacking all sense
Of what makes life monstrous.
What do they add? Nothing

Much, which is heroic.
Let sleeping monsters lie.
And thank you, if you’re one.

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