Monday, March 28, 2022

The Best Little Wave You Can Be

A brief, brilliant, painful explosion between
Two eternities of somnolent darkness,
The only two censors who ever succeed.

It’s a beach in the dark where the burst explodes
And for a moment you see the waves glinting,
The ones at sea and the sand’s limitations.

In that moment, you live your life at the foot
Of an eroded rock tower vibrating
And swaying one to fifteen times per second.

There’s an astonishing number of seconds
In that blinding thunderclap of a moment,
Even if you don’t do much living with them.

Some people do. Some people sway more than rocks.
In your moment on the lit dark beach between
Salt waves, sand, and swaying towers, you glimpse them,

Those madly dancing people in that brief glare,
Somehow on the top of the swaying towers
Shouting something about the abyss. Nothing.

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