Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Amplitudes Rife with Infinities

Every black hole plays a quark,
If you deploy the right frame
For the way the waves behave,

And so, maybe, every quark
Or subatomic flavor
That’s your personal quantum

Favorite to think about,
Keeps a black hole in its heart.
Let’s put this another way,

On more historical, less
Speculative bases—zoom
Your scales however you like,

Patterns keep cropping
Up larger and larger and
Smaller and smaller in all

Dimensions you’ve yet observed.
Don’t rule out hitting a wall—
For that matter, don’t rule out

A giant torus standing
On elephantine pillars,
Or any topology—

But you know you haven’t yet.
What applies at scale applies
Often at another scale

Or many scales, and who knows
How many scales fit snugly
Inside night’s wavering shell?

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