Saturday, March 19, 2022

Never Tell Us We Were Bad

Is what you tell each other
While you teach other how
Bad each other’s being now.

Power for a grizzly bear
Means mass, muscle, teeth, and claws,
But among human beings

You need cooperation,
Which needs a collective sense
Of blameless entitlement

Helped along by righteousness.
It’s hard to cooperate
And beat cooperators

Competing with their own teams,
Harder if shame’s cat is set
Loose among your team’s pigeons.

Don’t let anyone tell you
Any of your group was bad
Or cohesion will fragment,

Morale will sink, righteousness
Will wane, cooperation
Will disintegrate. Never

Tell us we were bad! You must
Have each soldier, group member,
Or ally shout. Or you will lose.

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