Saturday, March 19, 2022

Nonurgent Communication

It is impossible to fix
Accurately the lower bound
Where holy earnest reduces

To mere fun. A polite exchange
Of laughter echoes in the air.
How pleasant to communicate

Without any fear in the air,
Without any urgent gasping,
Grasping after what can’t be had,

Mere fun, polite fun, nonurgent
Fun. When does earnestness creep in.
When does some fun become holy,

And then wholly terrifying?
We are listening carefully
To that laughter, so delightful,

So polite. Three bicyclists pant
In spandex up the steep paved road
Without a car or truck in sight,

Chatting and laughing between pants,
Exercising, exercising
Their social skills, their right to ride

Their bikes. Share the Road. At what point—
The sky is empty and holy.
No, that’s too earnest. Not polite.

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