Monday, March 14, 2022

Tourists Curbside

People or houses, either ones,
If you’re going to fantasize, then
Try the hard one—not the outside

Curb appeal, the home on the cliff
You covet, those eyes, that tight butt,
The selfie you made of yourself,

How good you’d look to someone else—
What is the view from the sun porch
Over dry valleys in blank sun,

The overgrown cacti inside,
The rickety stairs, the loud mouse
Racketing your toaster for crumbs?

What do those eyes read not themselves,
How does that tight butt feel after,
Well, after what? Even curbside,

Fantasizing, posing just so
You can fit your head and that house,
The cute one, all in the same shot,

You’re only living inside out.
You have to model everything
Inverting whatever you’ve got.

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