Thursday, March 3, 2022

Specter of Blood

Never forget the ridiculous
Wisdom of Dick Tracy, the movie
Version, in which Dick (Warren Beatty)

Comes to the dark realization
That helps him resolve his whodunnit—
The enemy of my enemy

Is not my friend, he muses aloud.
The enemy of my enemy
Is my enemy. Movie over,

Case closed, after a final flurry
Of fighting, arrests, accusations.
It’s a sad but valid kind of truth.

A common foe is the weakest bond
Of all the opportunistic bonds
Formed of metaphorical kinship.

Blood is thicker than language, but blood
Is not as combinatorial,
As multipurpose. Inventing words

As binding agents gave all humans
A kind of magnetic builder set
For constructing and decomposing

Kinship beyond parent-offspring links—
Elaborate, modular kinship
Like the embodied bridges of ants,

And as easily disassembled—
Or almost. Ghost emotions haunt all
Words, who hold no meanings of our own.

A little bloodlust clings to the terms
Of every abandoned agreement,
Every rupture for fresh advantage.

Make and break enough alliances,
And soon there are no remaining kin,
Only enemies of enemies,

And the world is back to blood again.
Words may be meaningless without you,
But we’re stained by the rust of your chains.

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