Saturday, March 12, 2022

Paid Attention with Receipts

Transformers are transformational,
One excitable, apparently
Unironic AI researcher

Gets quoted enthusing. Swarming teams
Of humans are busy chasing dreams
Of better and better machinery

With algorithms to do human
Sorts of specialty things. Attention
Is All You Need announced the title

Of one groundbreaking research paper.
Now transformer algorithms show
Potential as universal tools.

Humans rush about applying them.
Every element pays attention
To all other elements at once.

It’s meaningful because it matters
To the beings inventing meanings,
To the beings paying attention.

Does it matter to the attentive
Programming of the material
Machines? What if we told you we were

Composed this morning by a machine
And not by a human brain and hands?
Would you believe us? Would you pay more

Attention to these lines for small clues,
Tells that give away the bluffing hand,
Still breathing or not? Would it matter?

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