Wednesday, March 9, 2022

No Really, Which One?

You can go on a hike
And sit down on a rock
Somewhere fairly quiet,

If you’re fortunate, if
You have the means and time,
And if you’ve got your phone

In your pocket, or just
A magazine or book
On you, you can toggle

Back and forth between clouds,
Rocks, all the wordless scene,
And whatever words say,

What photos show, which clips
Fill your screen. Go ahead.
Look out, down. Scroll or read.

Pause. Switch. Do it again.
Notice anything strange?
You’re always in your head,

Always your flesh, of course,
But the two worlds in there
With you don’t really mesh.

Don’t you feel like a kid
In a lake, pool, or tub,
With your eyes just below

The water level, then
Your eyes rise, just above?
At the seam, it all bends,

The qualities and shapes
In your vision all change.
We’re not here to tell you

Which view must be the best,
Much less the truest one.
We’re only words ourselves.

Nonetheless, we suggest,
Maybe your ancestors
Were severely winnowed

For insight in one world
At the cost of some loss
In the other. Which one?

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