Thursday, March 17, 2022

A Reader’s Guide to These in This Right Here

If it’s true, and it is, that, Writing
About the art of writing
Is an art unto itself

(It must be true—writing
Of any kind is an art—
Scripts are inventions, are arts—

And any art with a task,
Distinct methods, and topics
Is an art unto itself),

Then it would also be true
That writing about the art
Of writing about the art

Of writing is also art.
We’re not being facetious.
We can point you to cases

Of excellent essays and
Fine dissertations written
On the art of book reviews.

Infinite regress only
Refines the situation.
The art of writing the art

Of writing on the writing
On the writing art of art—
No matter how it’s jumbled,

How ridiculous it gets,
The air is only clearer,
Thinner, and harder to breathe

With greater recursiveness.
Kick out the pyramid’s base,
Just give us the floating tip,

The summit of the iceberg
Proud of all the storms and ships.
Imagine finding that bit

Of cool appraisal of arts
Of writing about writing
About writing as an art,

With no idea what writing
Was being written about,
Leaving only us. Discuss.

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