Tuesday, August 9, 2022

But All Wavelengths Must Shimmer When Changing Perspective

Bacteria can be iridescent,
In theory. They’re big enough for the light.

Bacteriophagic viruses, no,
Probably not. As for subatomic

Bosons, taus, or quarks, they’re iridescent
Only in metaphorical displays.

A single photon, tracked to a point or
Humping along as the gleam of a wave,

Would swamp them. Iridescent charm quarks, though,
Do sound pretty. Pretty nomenclature,

Iridescence is, term for a shimmer
Within that narrow bridgework of wavelengths,

The rainbow humans can actually sense
Without any prosthetic devices.

Through night, long, long waves glide through snoring skulls
That can only dream of iridescence.

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