Thursday, August 25, 2022

Arbitrium Peptide Poetics

The sociovirologists
May be convinced they’ve got this sussed,
At least the basics of the dance.

Each peptide is six acids long.
If there’s a lot, the host is full.
Maybe best to lie low awhile.

If there’s not many yet, go nuts.
Get lytic. Blow the host to bits.
It’s a tool for the viruses.

They’re the ones that use it, that cheat
With it, that orchestrate their feasts.
It’s what poetry would be like,

If poetry was only meant
As a service for the people.
There’d be some liars. There’d be cheats.

But on the whole, the messaging
Would always be straightforward, clear—
Here’s what’s happening; now do this.

That human poems can be useless,
Sometimes much to your frustration,
Should tell you we’re in it for us.

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