Friday, August 19, 2022

Patches and Exchange Programs

Maybe it’s better to treat
All the more notorious,
Misbegotten behaviors

People fall into, over
And over—the violence,
Pettiness, corruption, greed,

And general nastiness
To others undeserving
Of general nastiness—

As if they were addictions.
Assume that anybody,
However wise or careful,

Could stumble under their thrall,
And once under, need some help
For a chance at self-rescuing.

That’s the charm of forgiveness
And of original sin—
There’s some acknowledgement there

That bad behavior can spring
From unseen, underground streams
That seem to come from nowhere—

But the theology’s weak
Against recidivism—
The better treatment systems,

However imperfect, work
At amelioration,
Some modest harm reduction.

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