Tuesday, August 23, 2022

War and Cake

All coyote hours
The wind disease blew
Through town hill’s dung gate

And, with its motion,
Mined night’s soft sift sands
In a curious,

Glassed combination
Of greed, war, and cake.
Pause here, a moment.

Imagine that this
Has somehow endured
Thirty centuries—

Too long for a life,
And long for trees or
Cultural tendons,

Probably longer
Than an English tongue
Will still be spoken.

It would make no sense
Then, given it makes
So little sense now.

Imagine this that.
Imagine that, when

Picked up his stylus,
Instead of neatly
Transcribing the terms

Of Sumerian
With Akkadian
Near equivalents,

He had invented
Some nonsense about

Allusions, ancient
Toponyms, folk names
For anxiety,

Etc., all
Without explaining,
Much less translating,

Maybe adding some
Weird, cruel children’s rhymes—
Are you a witch, or

Are you a fairy,
Or are you the wife
Of Michael Cleary?

We think that something
Like that, like this, was
Your Linear A.

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