Friday, August 26, 2022

Incompetent Sleep Mentation

Smarty-pants, you pay a price
At night for your daily gifts,
A nightly price, steep sleep price,

Whenever you drift away.
Do you know how your brains make
Dreams? The short answer is no.

Your brains are creating them.
Your brains can agree awake
That your brains create your dreams,

But dreaming, you can’t think straight.
How are your dreams weaving scenes
And, more importantly, why?

Maybe your dreams process waste
That your brains accumulate
In burning too fast by day.

But your dreams aren’t competent
Enough at waste removal
To even begin to say,

And as you collectively
Wise up with your drugs, tests, screens,
Labs, and imaging machines,

Your dreams are just getting worse.
For brains to learn about brains
Dreams must get stupider first.

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