Saturday, August 27, 2022

Fingering Piles of Gravel for Fossils

Children are still at the shore
Of the lake too deep for them
To swim, digging for beach glass

And chattering happily
About their small finds instead.
Yesterday, an intrepid

Young man hiked in brutal
Sun over Utah’s salt flats
Until he found a plunge hole

And dug down to get his prize,
A hunk of meteorite
Fresh from the sky, fusion crust

Still smooth and not yet rusted,
A rock in your hand that was
Literally in space ten

Days ago, likely as old
As the whole solar system.
The Webb Telescope now sees,

Among 5,000 planets
Identified to sift through,
One with carbon dioxide,

First with carbon dioxide,
Someone’s quick to emphasize,
Happily. There will be more.

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