Monday, August 8, 2022

The Data Dregs

When you share, you share
More information
Than you care to share

Nowadays, given
Your information
Codes your breathing flesh,

Your social self, your
Cash identity,
And all your secrets.

The definition
Of sharing has changed,
Observes Ainissa

Ramirez. True, that,
But it always was
A mix of scrounging,

And compulsory
Giving, wasn’t it?

The spontaneous
Offers of sharing,
As between toddlers,

Always were shadowed
By thefts, demands, shrieks
Of accusation,

And then some complex
And skepticism.

Plus, no one wants it,
Not all that you might
Care to overshare.

It’s loss of control
You fear when you share,
Not loss of it all,

Just what you wanted
To keep of you—you,
Not the dregs of you.

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