Friday, August 26, 2022

Food, Folklore, and Fashion

The three effs of appropriation,
That is, if you give an eff, if you
Have any effs left to give. Someone

Will be quick to take those off your hands.
And what, of any culture, is left,
Or would be left, minus those three effs?

Difficult to say, we would suggest.
That is, we would suggest that what’s left
Would be what’s most difficult to say

Or to see. If appropriation
Is theft, remember that thievery,
Whether by humans, crows, dogs, or rats,

Evolved to favor opportunists.
The thief will raid the obvious cache.
What’s left is hidden, the hard-to-get,

The hoard buried under the midden,
Inevitably buried so deep,
Sometimes even the hoarder forgets.

We hope to someday become just that,
Some terms preserved in middens, what’s left
Of this era this era forgets.

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