Tuesday, August 9, 2022

You Can Kill It, If It Means Anything to You

Life, notes Nick Lane, usefully,
Is not just information.
His case is particular,

Placing metabolism
At the beating heart of cells,
Genes later, but we can play,

We who are words and not life,
However we might wish so—
We can play with his statement,

Just a bit. Information
Is not only not the whole
Of life, inert, it’s not all

There is to meaning either.
Silence, Wittgenstein. We can
Talk meaning if we want to.

What even is the meaning
Of Wittgenstein? Attention
Of a certain kind wanders

The halls of information
Searching for indications,
But it must crave finding them.

Confirmation bias often
Is mistaken concerning
Information, but meaning

Is that act of confirming
Something was hiding, something
Living, in information.

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