Saturday, August 20, 2022

This Holds More Than This Knows

You know, says Frank Stella
To the BBC News,
I’ve been sick for awhile,

The past six to to eight months.
It’s debilitating.
I won’t finish models

I’ve started. That’s a fact.
Being sick has made me
See the world a new way.

It’s not as interesting
As it sounds. I’m happy
To come here, to be here,

And we do what we can.
He laughs gently and shrugs.
The last shot of the clip,

Maybe taken by drone,
Pulls away from green fields,
Where three of his sculptures

Stand, appearing massive
At first, then receding
Into just grass and trees.

As a painterly young,
Abstract minimalist,
He’d sometimes notched the frames

Of canvases, as if
To suggest that they knew
The way the lines inside

Would approach their borders,
As if frames should echo
Surface geometries,

But outdoors refuses
To clearly acknowledge
It knows what it’s holding.

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