Friday, December 1, 2023

This Is Not a Poem in Which

The next text steals the best
Phrases found in the last,
Delicate white-parched bones,

Or sere grasses hissing,
Closet of beautiful
Clothes of the dead, a sleek

Green stalk, a transparent
Lung, a single hair’s curl
No, give that last one back.

Now, what to do with this bouquet
Plucked from its container?
Forty-odd years ago,

A dandelion head
Hovered over a stalk
Of a human framework

In some Ivy League halls.
One day, gossip had it,
Press had camped out all night

Outside the residence
Of the dandelion
In anticipation of

A rumored impending
Nobel Prize announcement
That never came, that still

Hasn’t come. The slender
Stalk still holds up the head
Of sparse dandelion,

Who never stopped writing.
They’re her phrases. At least
Give her back the bouquet.

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