Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Who’s a You

The subjective experience
Is all one experiences,
Which includes the information

Encountered in one’s subjective
Experiences purporting
To be transmitting subjective

Experiences of others.
The sharp cruelty and chaos
Stems from the inability

To form an accurate picture,
Accurate appreciation
Of just which other entities

Experience subjectively.
Whole populations have assumed,
For example, that trees and stones

Experience subjectively,
While assuming enslaved humans
Somehow don’t, not really, not much.

This kind of nonsense never dies.
What’s on God’s mind, considering
His creation, can seem germane

To a personal decision,
While one’s children, servants, or spouse
Should have no thoughts on the matter.

The server who brings plates of food
Might as well be a robot,
But search engines really see you.

You would think it would be wise to learn
How to discern which entities
Host subjective interiors

And which phenomena do not.
But subjective experience
Has so far thrived misplacing thought.

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