Sunday, December 31, 2023

But It Isn’t, So It Is Still

Almost a quarter-century
Since the exact date of the First
Was predictably ominous.

It’s rare, outside of cults, you get
A date for the apocalypse.
Mostly it’s all, any time now!

Could start as soon as tomorrow—
The end—as soon as tomorrow—
Never right now, it’s here, for sure.

What an absurd coincidence
If the end of this calendar
Year, in this given calendar,

Hegemonic, but one among
Many, many such calendars,
Happened to usher in the end.

Party over, oops, out of time!
And the calendar formerly
Known as Western, Gregorian,

Stopped along with everything else.
That’s the problem with meaningful.
If it is, it isn’t, itself.

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