Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Reading Poems to Stall the Hospital

The world works, a poem
Of Sandra Simonds
Insisted, Even

From here. . . . The world works
Wonders, it added,
Then walked back. The world

Works / but not today.
Not for me. Functions,
Maybe, the world does.

Works-for-me implies
Something good enough.
Works wonders suggests

The miraculous.
Not today argues
For an exception.

In a sunny chair
In desert winter,
Aware of failure

Of the internal
Functions of organs
That might as well be

The world, given they
Can’t be abandoned,
Parts of the world work.

The propane heater,
The fridge compressor—
Those things work wonders,

Make a mockery
Of entropy, dance
In defiance, but

An emergency
Room looms, merciful
Nightmare. How world works.

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