Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Out the Door

The knife didn’t get them all.
Neither have the chemicals.
The radiation is next.

This is banal. This is just
What happens, and, in a way,
Is a kind of a mercy

In not being all human
And only human, one more
Humans-hurting-humans thing.

These living cells, no longer
Functioning for the system,
Just race each other to eat

More, reproduce more, live more,
Eat ‘em up, yum, live like life
Always lived, from the get-go.

They may have once been human,
Owe their lives to behaviors
Uniquely human, struggle

Now to escape the human
Interventions (surgeries,
Chemicals, radiations),

But they’re not human beings,
Not even cells of one soul
Anymore. They’re past that door.

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