Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Feeling for the Last Real Feeling

Someone happens to refer
To the last real thing you’ll feel,
And you start digesting that.

As always with digestion,
This means taking things apart,
Breaking them down to their bits,

Separating what becomes
You from what you can use from
What is worthless waste to you,

What would poison you, if you
Don’t get rid of it and soon.
What, for instance, is the deal

Between a real thing you feel
And an unreal thing you feel?
And why would the last real thing

Felt precede the last felt thing?
There’s some fuel in the phrasing,
A touch of the ominous,

Drawn from the more usual
Phrasing, the last thing you feel,
But no one has ever felt,

Can never have felt, either
The last real or unreal thing.
The last felt thing is a myth,

Real or not, even the last
Felt thing just before falling
Asleep. Later, you recall

The last thing you can recall,
But you know that’s not likely
The last real thing before sleep.

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