Monday, December 11, 2023

Bent or Broken, Never Bouncing

Two kinds of falling you know
Well, the kind that’s surprising
For happening so quickly,

And the kind that’s surprising
For taking so long to fall—
You could as well itemize

The Hemingway bankruptcy
As a third type, but that type
Just links gradually, and

Then suddenly, in sequence,
So, the same two, distinct kinds.
You know them both, know them well.

The third kind, you’ve never known—
The unsurprising, graceful,
Painlessly completed fall,

The specialty of athletes,
Stage performers, and raptors,
Experts who know how to fall.

For all your experience
Falling, in falls that go on
Forever, or seem to, or

Now, done already, too late
To alter outcomes at all,
You’ve never learned how to fall.

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