Monday, December 25, 2023

Discrepancy Exceptionalism

Contradictions make the species
Feel ever so special. Two hands
Raised and waving around about

Every delicious paradox
In every complex character—
On the one hand, on the other!

So subtle! So mysterious!
The nuances of character,
The contradictory stances,

The hypocrisies of leaders,
The secret lecheries of saints,
The racist conservationists,

The benevolent dictators,
On and on, the grey areas,
The self-destructive ethicists.

You’re only contradictory
As far as your language says so,
As far as your customs insist.

That a killer would show kindness
Or an aid-worker commit rape,
Hardly count as paradoxes

Given all sorts of animal
Behaviors switch within a beast.
Oh, but you’re special, you’re unique.

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