Friday, December 29, 2023

Spooky Polypi at a Distance

Aside from malacologists
And logomaniacs, few folks
Know what malacologists know.

Oddly, given that hard k sound,
Malakos signified tender,
Soft, and gentle in Ancient Greek,

Rare exception, apparently,
To the bouba/kiki effect.
Anyway, squishy fish studies,

These days somewhat popularized
By lore of smart cephalopods.
The study of anything’s cool

If the subject borders magic—
Wormholes, entangled quantum states,
AI, octopus wizardry.

It’s not that people want to know
More intimately what’s under
Scrutiny so much as the thrill

Of any hints there are other
Timelines, other-minded agents,
Entwined weirdness in the framework

Of a householder’s universe.
It tends to end in puzzlement.
Which parts held that hint of magic—

The monstrous tentacles, the eyes
Of the near-alien agent,
Its behaviors, its spiral whorls?

People always seem to end up
Clutching emptied material.
At the Malacological

Museum, in the Makarska
Franciscan monastery’s shell,
The whole collection is just shells.

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