Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Snowy Overlook

Cars settled in the pullout,
Most of them black and dusty,
An unkindness of ravens—

Collective nouns being, like
Almanac names for the moons,
Mostly hooey that sounds fun—

You in your own dusty black
Car, smallest and first one there,
Resenting the latecomers

To your snowy view of cliffs,
Against which the passengers
Now were posing for selfies—

You remembered once, when young,
You and some friends played a game
Inventing collective nouns—

Embarrassment of poets
Was your weak contribution.
Alone, now, in your car seat,

You might be more vehicle
Than human, Dorianne Laux’s
Lines in mind, I probably

Spent more time / in my car than
In any house I lived in—
Or maybe you were tenor,

Given such a vehicle.
Anyway, the unkindness
Had left while you reminisced.

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