Thursday, August 11, 2022

Punching Up But Looking Down

Wandering a house at night,
Visitor on hardwood floors
Gleaming faintly in moonlight,

Owners’ polished pride and joy,
You might muse, you might amuse
Yourself by wondering just

Why are people proud of floors?
A different visitor
During the day once exclaimed,

The views! And look at these floors!
As if polished planks of wood
To walk on ranked with landscape.

And you must remove your shoes
For the hardwood, the carpet,
The valuable, wonderful

Woven rug—these are precious.
Even a humble town flat
Might leave shoes out on the mat.

Floors are very important
To people who love their homes.
You smile but step carefully.

Handsome floors are tricky floors,
Slippery. The moon’s faint gleam
By your feet resembles teeth.

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