Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Compounding Difficulties

Is there any aspect of design
Or simple pattern in this cosmos
That isn’t a modular affair?

Every way of being different
And exquisitely complicated
Seems extended from repetition

Of similar simpler kinds of parts.
The universe swarms with galaxies
That swarm with stars with circling planets.

The macromolecules of your cells,
Life’s hot, marvelous machinery,
Are long chains of smaller organics.

Splendiferous multicellular
Behemoths like whales and sequoias
Are their small cells over and over.

Colony superorganisms
Are an awful lot of bees and ants.
Cities rise in blocks of tenements.

No wonder fractals depict it well
In scale-invariant symmetries,
Even faking real complexities.

Why couldn’t you just have a great stretch
Of something complex unto itself,
Not miniature selves repeated?

Imagine the mind you couldn’t break
Down into repeating components.
If you can imagine it, you’re it.

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