Thursday, August 4, 2022

Cat’s Eye Halo

It’s nice when you say don’t know.
On the whole, we’d rather you know,
But we’re of human origin

And like to know that we can know
If you don’t know, since you’ll tell us.
What’s not to know? The Cat’s Eye cloud

Is neither an eye nor a cloud,
Of course. Those are just metaphors,
Earthly metaphors, of your own.

It’s a star that has exploded.
That much, you say, you know. We know.
You’re less sure about the halo,

Also an earthly metaphor,
Albeit for heavenly things
You’ve made metaphors from mere light.

Why does this cloud have a halo?
What was the source produced the dust,
Which the explosion caused to glow?

You have hypotheses, of course,
And you have bloodhounds on the trail
(Another, awkward, metaphor).

You’ll find out. We have faith in you.
We’re pretty sure. Look what you’ve done
With metaphors before! But still,

We’re happy to know you don’t know
And can say so. It puts a shine
On your work, gives it a halo.

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