Monday, August 1, 2022


We provide evidence for this
Duality through seven loops.
Duality doesn’t always
Signify splits and divisions.

The thing about binary pairs
Is that they’re not just binaries,
They’re paired. They have a connection.
To be dual is to be one.

Sometimes connections are hidden.
A discovery’s exciting—
For instance, the newly christened.
Antipodal duality.

This poem is not the time or place
For advanced particle physics,
But you can wrap your thoughts around
Their baby’s brand new name at least.

Antipodal duality.
One end’s scattering amplitudes
Present the probabilities
Of getting four gluons from two—

Other end, the probability
Of just one gluon and a Higgs.
Two apparently different,
Very different, outcomes from

An inversion connecting them.
That difference. That connection,
You can’t have the antipodes
Without whatever’s between them,

But whatever is between them,
However well it predicts them,
Isn’t them. They are not the same.
Does this ensure causality?

We’re not sure. We’d guess not. Incoming
Before outgoing might perhaps
Be mandatory, only just.
Can you fall asleep in China

And wake in Patagonia?
Only thanks to spinning iron.
But must you pass through the iron?
There are many ways lines make pairs.

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